Background Removal / Retouching

Background retouching is an editing service where the experts either alter the background or completely replace the background with a new one. To enhance the quality of the background special adjustments are done like shadow adjustment, contrast management and object replacement. This way the picture becomes more appealing and the important parts of the image could be highlighted.

Clipping Path Services, Image Masking Image Masking
Photo Retouching Services Background Removal, Transparent Background

As it is understood that the background gives a reality to the images. It places the products and models in such a way that the clients get the feel of the background and imagines them to be in sync with the reality. Image specialists which we have, don’t just understands the value of background they can get in the exact caricature and analyze the strength of each kind of background. We have some of the experts who just elucidate the images in such a manner that it expedites the market sales like never before. The mind of the clients can be read well by our team and they are offered not just optimum value for money, but the quality like never seen before. Let us read through some of the original forms of background retouching which enhances the image and give it the worth on the market.

Background Replacement

Not all the photo shoots are done with the right background. Online businesses sometimes need a special background and hence they use the white or green background. Our professional editors have vast experience in making a picture more attractive with dynamic backgrounds as per the need of the customer.

Blur Background

In some photos the background is blurred to emphasis on the object or model in the image. On the other hand only a small part of the image is blurred to concentrate the attention of the viewer on a particular object.

Background Restoration

Background restoration is the spatial arrangement of the product done by the image experts in such a manner that the models or the products seem to gel with the background. The seamless merging and positioning of the background with the products and models is smooth and convincing. It enhances the quality of the image and also defines its positioning. As we know in some images the background is either horizontal or vertical, but due to the spacing provided on the websites, it needs to be positioned in a synchronised manner which is done by this service.

Background retouching for e-commerce

Every online retailer has its own style of presenting their products. Our team specializes in handling the demand by E commerce companies. We here at editing up customize photos, alter the backgrounds according to the need of the customer.